The Library

This is a library of slideshows and articles that were too long for a blog posting.
The PowerPoint slides are better read than viewed full-screen. They have my original script in the speaker's notes which explains more than just looking at the pictures. You'll get to the useful stuff quicker this way than you would watching me drone on in a video.
After the dust has settled How to manage your benefits once the project is over
Agile BM All the business books tell us that we live in an environment of uncertainty and that continuous and faster business change is a necessity. How do we optimise continuous urgent change in an uncertain world?
Bad BDNs Some examples of how not to map your benefits
BDN Comparison A compare / contrast exercise of various styles of Benefits Dependency Networks
The Benefits Club Not the sort you can join. I overheard a throw-away remark at a CIO conference: “They’ll be using Benefits as a weapon next!” and it inspired me.
Benefits-led Agile Thoughts on how to ensure your Agile project considers the strategy and delivers the benefits
Benefits-led Enterprise Benefits Management is not just for projects, it's for life
Benefits of Benefits Management A quick explanation why Benefits Management is worth pursuing, with a few examples of previous success.
Bidding with Benefits A benefits-led bid will help you win business
Campaign Mapping The Benefits Dependency Network as a Campaign Map
Cui Bono Who benefits? How does this change over time from the first flash of inspiration to the roll-out of something big?
Decision Project Every decision could be viewed as a project in its own right.
EFQM BDN The Benefits Dependency Network as an aid to managing quality under the European Foundation for Quality Management framework.
Force Multiplier Benefits Mapping as a way to make the most of what you've got.
Goal Model There are all sorts of maps and models. The BDN Comparison above looks at some of them. This is my model, the Goal Model.
Idea Test A set of filters to test your good idea before you commit to a major investment of effort and cost. I wrote this originally for the NHS Change Day 2013 but it applies anywhere.
Introducing Benefits Management A case study story of how Benefits Management was introduced in an NHS programme, the lessons learned and those that are still taking a while to sink in
Issues around implementation My thoughts on an analysis of Benefits Management as it was implemented in European public sector projects
Objective Setting It is a well-known generalisation that we all dive straight into solutions without thinking properly about what we want to solve. The Idea Test tests your good idea. Objective Setting aims to guide you to a good idea before it gets tested.
Project Leadership Having had to do ten minutes on “The Leadership Qualities Required for Successful Project Management”, it seemed a shame to let it go to waste.
Quantifying the social stuff I've had an on-going challenge to get accepted measures of wellbeing and quality of life. This is a work in progress
Red Team Testing your strategy and plans using BM tools.
Six Dumb Questions Have you ever read a business case, got to page 10 and still not understood what it was for? Worse, have you scrabbled to realise the benefits when no-one could explain why they bought the kit in the first place? We live in a complex world with no simple answers, but maybe there are some simple questions that could help.
Servant Leadership Ten minutes’ worth of stuff to consider when you’re in a senior position and are making decisions about other people’s lives and money.
Strategic Choice, Six Questions The six dumb questions sum up strategic thinking and Benefits Management is an excellent method to provide good answers. This presentation goes into more detail on how to apply them in practice to your programmes and projects.