CMI Chartered Manager  BCS Chartered IT Professional  Managing Benefits Practitioner


The Curator


This Benefits Management stuff, I’ve been doing it for a while now. Most of the articles in this website are ideas that I've published previously. Most of the people who've read them are people like me, middle-aged project management professionals. It's time that I broadened my audience. I'd like to think that my approach is general enough that anyone can make use of it, no matter who you are or what background you come from. The whole point is that it gives you skills that work for any decision.


My background

I was active in Cranfield University's Benefits Management research, applying the method in the rollout of BT's intranet, one of the first, largest and most successful corporate intranets. I then took this experience to my customers in finance, utilities and central government.

I extended Benefits Management beyond its project management roots to develop new business and improve customer relationships. This proved valuable in winning Local Government partnerships and in BT's successful bids to the NHS.

I was recruited into the NHS to establish a public sector focused benefits management toolset. Since I moved into health, I’ve covered a range of topics from telecare to service re-structuring. I recently helped hospitals achieve strategic benefits from electronic patient records. I am presently a Benefits Lead in Health Informatics programmes, assisting local health economies to appreciate the value of sharing care information.

I’m joint owner of the Yorkshire Benefits Management Network which enables me to keep the methodology fresh and at the forefront of my clients’ service improvement activity.

I also own Keldale Business Services Ltd, a specialist Benefits Management consultancy where I’ve been fortunate to do some interesting things:

  • Assist Customer Strategies - Public Policy Forum thought leadership, Ambulance Service restructure
  • Develop future markets - Identity management, PACS x-ray digital imaging
  • Solution Design - Working Time Directive, Long Term Conditions, Public Sector Mobile Services
  • Solution Development - Local Development Authority project £1M Social Housing Alarms
  • Understand the customer's 'RoI' - Highways Department PFI preparation
  • Improved win-rate - Local Authority / Private Partnership Local Govt preferred bidder £150M, Local Govt partnership £220M
  • Successful customer change management - Diabetes Contact Centre, Govt Dept Intranet Requirements Capture consultancy, Requests for BM assistance - LDA, NHS, Police

And worked with some big and interesting organisations...

BT   BBBs  NHSIC bdct logo   Birmingham
   eastern cheshire ccg logo    Barnsley  DWP
 NHSCFH  NTPCT  HomeOffice  Napier  NHS Digital Logo
 BHNFT  Liverpool  NHSWales  NEYNL  DFE
 WiltsCC  MidYorks nhs  NHSNW  HBOS  NHSYAS
 NHSYorks  Ninelogo    Rotherham  LeedsTH
 THIS  DFPNI  hscic  GBG  yorkshire hypnotherapy training
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