The New Decision Maker's Starter Kit

How many schools teach you how to make decisions? You may get a job where your employer has to, like joining the armed forces but that's not everyone's choice or option. By the time most of us face the big decisions, we are already set in the bad habits we've developed by simply living long enough.

Read more: The New Decision Maker's Starter Kit

Variations on a Theme

Variations on a Theme

Goal Model, Benefits Dependency Network, Benefits Map - a picture paints a thousand words. We can all paint the same scene but each picture will tell a different story. Here's a gallery of works in a variety of styles.


Read more: Variations on a Theme

Very Simple Models for a Complex World

Success is hard

In the world of programmes and projects, success is hard to achieve and often hard to prove. When your measurement of success isn’t hard cash but people’s health and happiness, life gets even more complex.

Read more: Very Simple Models for a Complex World

Willingness to Pay: 'the last refuge of a scoundrel'?

Dr Johnson said that patriotism was the last refuge of a scoundrel. In business, I think it’s Executives’ implicit willingness to pay.

Read more: Willingness to Pay: 'the last refuge of a scoundrel'?

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