Personal Goals

Mapping your personal goals

The Benefits Dependency Network works well for business decisions. It's worth trying it on your personal goals. It might come as a surprise just how similar personal and business decisions are.

Read more: Personal Goals

Schrodinger's Benefits

Cristineagoe at English Wikipedia / CC BY-SA (

Looking inside the box

Is a 'Benefit' a benefit until it's actually used in practice?


Read more: Schrodinger's Benefits

Start with the End in Mind

Start with the end in mind - a good motto for life as well as work. It’s blatantly obvious but rarely done properly.

The purpose behind any course of action has a direct and significant effect on the way it is undertaken. The reasons why affect the ways we go about things. 

Read more: Start with the End in Mind

The Benefits of Benefits Management

Where's the proof?

What's the evidence that there are benefits to be gained from Benefits Management?

Read more: The Benefits of Benefits Management

The Idea Test

Hypothesis testing is a way of testing new ideas against your strategy, objectives and context. Before running away with a brilliant new idea, it needs to be checked to see how good it really is and how well it fits with who you are and what you do.

Read more: The Idea Test

The Mandate


The Mandate matters

I’ve patented a new widget…

The Mandate says what you want so it pays to take it seriously.

Read more: The Mandate

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